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Mouse over to open navigation menu for this sub site.xThrough a number of projects and events, BTNEP strives to build relationships with the community to increase awareness about the Barataria-Terrebonne Estuarine System (BTES) and the issues it is facing.
In coordination with the Education and Volunteer programs, BTNEP provides opportunities for the public to get involved in many different ways. All events and activities are designed to have an educational aspect, whether you are taking part in a planting, learning in a classroom, or even just paddling down Bayou Lafourche. BTNEP is always educating and bringing awareness about the estuary.

Creating awareness through culture, ecology, music, art, and heritage.
The BTES is made up of an amazing environment, rich history, and a blend of cultures. This national estuary is the 4.2 million acres between the Atchafalaya and Mississippi Rivers and, much like its people, is truly unique. It is also the most rapidly disappearing area on earth and is one of the world’s richest natural resources providing fisheries, rich farmland and oil and gas resources to the nation. Through its Outreach Program, BTNEP continues to encourage the public to join them in the preservation and protection of not only the land, but also all that goes along with it.

Fact Sheets
Discover what our Outreach Program has been up to!